Thursday, July 27, 2006

What's in a name?

In response to my many readers continually posing the questions..."What does your name t.c. stand for?"....I must put to rest the rumors circulating.

Here is a list of names that t.c. does NOT stand for:

1. Tevin Campbell- One hit wonder certainly now touring fair grounds near you.
2. The Count- Although his talent is underrated on Sesame Street, he is not I, and I not him.
3. The Crabs- I've never had or known anyone with crabs. Ok, that might be a lie.
4. Tinkerbell Cabin- It sounds like the sight of a mass murder, therefore I think it would make an eerie surname. No thanks!
5. Torture Candle- Hot and waxy....

I promise to reveal the truth in due time my avid readers.


FOSCO said...

Pick me, I'm avid.

Does it stand for...
Testicular Cancer?
Tabby Cat?
Tom Cruise?
Turpentine Chaser?

t.c. said...

No, but you are getting closer. Isn't the suspense building??