I, like some of my blog-mates (and Santa too), enjoy lists. In bus(t)y times like these, lists make it easier to convey the happenings in my life to my (lack of)faithful readers.
Here is another list of my recent life activities:
Slipping into a deeper depression knowing that the upcoming Duran Duran concert in a nearby major city has sold out.
Slipping into a deeper depression.
Appreciating Keith Urban.
Devaluing Keith Richards.
Deciphering Little Richard.
Defying Richard Simmons.
Buying wastebaskets for future storage needs.
Buying wastebasket lids for future storage needs.
Wondering why I ever sang in weddings.
Wondering why I ever sang.
Wondering why I went to weddings.
Wondering why.
Running errands.
Preparing for my “Strap-On New Year’s Eve Party.”
Being strapped.
Losing myself in the Settlers of Satan board game.
Losing to settlers.
Losing myself (to Satan, and his music?)
Adding to my current list of allergies.
Adding to my current lists.
Frantically planning my Christmas card photo shoot.
Frantically planning.
Frantically shooting photos.
Wishing I was somehow here.
Wishing I was somehow here again.
Discussing the difference between a “three-some” and a “three-way.”
Discussing the difference between a "parkway" and a "freeway."
Enjoying the hustle and bustle of the blackest Friday in recent memory.
Enjoying hustlers and busts.
Encouraging my testicle to descend.
Encouraging my testicle.
Discovering happy, smiling faces.
Discovering happy, smiling faces in unexpected locations.
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