Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Job Hunting we will go!

Job hunting sucks. I don’t understand what companies are looking for these days. I would like to think I have a fairly good resume. Here are some highlights:

1. Bachelor’s degree
2. Master’s degree
3. 5 years of management experience
4. Membership to five professional organizations
5. Authored strategic plans and grants
6. Certified trainer for 2 national organizations
7. Managed $1 million budget
8. I’m hung like a (sea) horse
9. Back hair galore
10. If necessary- will work for sex not salary

I have been searching for a professional job for almost two years now. I have sent nearly 700 resumes to local and national organizations. And what has been my response you may ask?

(Drum roll please....)

I have had 2 return phone calls, 2 emails, 1 phone interview and zero job offers. Yes, you heard me correctly…NOTHING! Please keep in mind that I live in the middle of BFE Midwest, and I’m guessing that master’s degrees and such are hard to come by. I would think that some companies would at least give me a look…but no. Well, here is what I have to say to all of those companies who continue to reject me...

It’s your loss. I rock!

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